February 6, 2025

In Retrospect

W. H. Richards one of our most highly respected citizens and business men celebrated the fiftieth anniversary of his arrival in this country last Sunday. Fifty years ago Mr. Richards landed in New York from Wales. He spent three months in that city working at his trade as merchant tailor, later going to Jefferson county, Ohio and in 1874 came to Richwood where he was employed until 1878 when he went into business for himself. Mr. Richards was one of the charter members of the First Baptist church in Richwood and has been a deacon in the church for many years. He has lived to see and assist in the erection of two Baptist churches in Richwood and is still active in church work. He is enjoying the best of health and is able to work at his trade as a tailor every day.

Thompson & Sisson who conducted the Prospect Upholstery and Repair Shop at prospect, have moved their shop to Richwood and are now located at 113 North Franklin St. They do upholstering, repairing and refinishing and will make custom made furniture.
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P.M. Curl well known auto dealer in Richwood is announcing this week that the Chevrolet dealership which has been owned and operated by P. M. Curl will now be operated by The Curl Evans Chevrolet Co. a corporation with P. M. Curl as president and Jay L. Evans, secretary – treasurer of the corporation. Mr. Carl has been a Chevrolet dealer for the past 15 years and Mr. Evans has been associated with the firm as salesman and assistant manger for 11 years.

In the Gazette newspaper files of many years past, much attention was given to cattle purchases, particularly purchases of registered stock. Frank White, who resides at Fish & Daum Road in northern Union County, came to the Gazette office recently with some interesting information on how and when the first registered Hereford cattle arrived in union County. According to Mr. White, the first registered Herefords were brought to the county in 1898 and 1899 by his father, John W., and bent Cahill. Cahill was associated with the Richwood Deposit Bank.
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Action Take To Put Richwood “On The Map”: Motorists in the radius of 15 miles or so from the village will have no trouble in knowing where Richwood is if current plans of P.A.R.T., People Active For Richwood Today, come to pass. At the organization’s meeting, Chr. Don Ransome of the Civic Improvement committee reported contact with the Department of Transportation officials in this district have offered assurance of the installation of three more signs designating “Richwood… so many miles”. In addition, Ransome stated study is going forward on entrance signs to the village which may include a combined listing of Clubs and service organizations contained therein the village.

Valentin Shati, son of Olga Romanov of Karlstad, Sweden, was named Winter Homecoming King during ceremonies held at North Union High School. Elected Homecoming Queen was Amena Feasel, daughter of Dave and Annie Feasel.
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The Richwood United Methodist Women met with 8 members and a guest in attendance. GeorgeAnn Charles was in charge of devotions, Phyllis Ackley, District Coordinator for Spiritual Growth, presented the program. The group made plans to cut out quilt blocks for ABC quilts and lap robes. Those participating will meet very two weeks to work on the project coordinated by Debbie Hostetler. Hostesses Hilda Evans and Ruth Simpson served delicious refreshments.

Physicals for student athletes Memorial Sports Medicine is now offering free sports physicals year-round. There is no need for the two-month window an...
February 14, 2025
Fire – EMS
Fire Feb. 3 5:37 a.m. – Route 31 (MVA) Feb. 8 4:46 p.m. – Route 37 (wires down) EMS Feb. 2 8:04 p.m. – Dutton Love Road Feb. 3 5:37 a.m. – Route 31 (M...
February 14, 2025
Police Beat
From Richwood Division of Police Reports: An officer responded to the Richwood Park at 5:21 p.m., Feb. 2, for a report of property being damaged. Poli...
February 14, 2025
Mr. and Mrs. Moore Kenneth and Lois Moore of Marysville, will celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary Feb. 15. Mr. Moore and the former Lois Davis we...
February 14, 2025