In Retrospect
DECEMBER 12, 1924
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner, of Pharisburg, spent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ella Jolliff, of Claiborne. – – – Dr. Guy Williams of Cleveland set a few hours Thursday with his mother, Mrs. Margaret Williams. – – – Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Peters had as their Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Amber Somerlot and children. – – – Mr. and Mrs. Earl Vance and little daughter, Marjorie Ann, and Mrs. Anna Fulton, of Marysville spent Sunday with Mrs. Hester McNed.
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December 18, 1924 Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Plipstine, who have for fifteen years been valued residents of Richwood, will leave February first for Huntington, W. Va. They have sold their interests in the Richwood Lumber Company and their fine residence to N. J. Kuntz and his s…
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