May 16, 2024

North Union High School names senior award winners

The following information about NUHS’s Senior Awards program was supplied by the district.

Byhalia-York Alumni / Janet Bliss Markin Memorial Scholarship

Hagen Albert

Honors Diploma

Nicholas Asbury

US Army Scholar Award

Nicholas Asbury

15th Masonic District Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Al & Dorothy Bixler/Mt Carmel Lodge Memorial

Sienna Ballinger

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Byhalia-York Alumni / Janet Bliss Markin Memorial Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Dan B, Kyle Memorial Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Erin Y James Memorial Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Honors Diploma

Sienna Ballinger

Larry & Jan Dunn Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

Marilyn Shearer Memorial Scholarship

Sienna Ballinger

McElheny Academic Award (Art)

Sienna Ballinger

NUHS Service Award

Sienna Ballinger

National High School Heisman Award

Sienna Ballinger

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

Donna M. Flach Memorial Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Audrey Benedict

Roger L. & Cora M. Baker Memorial Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

Seiter Family Memorial Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

Bob & Eula Jean Davis Memorial Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

Richwood Area Business Association Scholarship

Audrey Benedict

Union County Military Family Support Group Education Grant

Mary Bonnell

Wildcat Arts & Music Scholarship

Kaydence Bowersmith

Honors Diploma

Lily Brinkerhoff

Honors Diploma

Madalyn Brody

Honors Diploma

Kylie Chenault

McElheny Academic Award (Music)

Kylie Chenault

Honors Diploma

Evelyn Clark

Kevin Smith Scholarship

Evelyn Clark

Excellence in Integrity Scholarship

Leah Copas

Honors Diploma – Academic

Leah Copas

Ruth B Weller Memorial Scholarship

Leah Copas

Class of 1973 Athletic Scholarship

Gavin Craft

Honors Diploma

Gavin Craft

Kevin Smith Scholarship

Gavin Craft

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Gavin Craft

Honors Diploma

Anna Crusey

McElheny Academic Award (English)

Anna Crusey

National Merit Commended Scholar

Anna Crusey

Honors Diploma

Corajayne DeBoer

Marion Elks Lodge No. 32 Scholarship

Corajayne DeBoer

McElheny Academic Award (English)

Corajayne DeBoer

NUHS Sportsmanship Award

Corajayne DeBoer

Rita Rubeck Parker Scholarship

Corajayne DeBoer

Shelter Insurance Foundation Scholarship

Corajayne DeBoer

Honors Diploma

Reese DeCamp

Arts Memorial Scholarship

Rachel Decker

Honors Diploma

Rachel Decker

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Rachel Decker

Rita Rubeck Parker Scholarship

Nolan Draper

Honors Diploma

Nolan Draper

Honors Diploma

Kennedy Grubb

Dan B, Kyle Memorial Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Donald Jolliff Family Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Honors Diploma

Chloe Hall

Northwest Neighborhood Alliance Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Richwood Area Business Association Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Richwood-North Union Alumni Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Union County Bar Association

Chloe Hall

Union County Master Gardener’s Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Warner-Houk Memorial Scholarship

Chloe Hall

Honors Diploma

Ian Hartings

NUHS Sportsmanship Award

Henry Hatward

Logan Krebehenne Memorial Scholarship

Riley Heminger

Richwood-North Union Alumni Scholarship

Riley Heminger

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Cenlee Holloway

Lynne Whatley Memorial Scholarship (Union County Rotary)

Cenlee Holloway

NUHS Leadership Award

Cenlee Holloway

Richwood Garden Club

Cenlee Holloway

University of Akron – Associate’s Degree

Johnathan Hughes

Honors Diploma

Johnathan Hughes

Honors Diploma

Glade Jolliff

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Glade Jolliff

Dan B, Kyle Memorial Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Honors Diploma

Rylan Keever

Joshua O’Reilly Memorial Scholarship

Rylan Keever

North Union Education Association Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Patrick’s Liggacy Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Richwood-North Union Alumni Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Rita Rubeck Parker Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Union County Farm Bureau Scholarship

Rylan Keever

Class of 1973 Athletic Scholarship

Lily Leavitt

Donald & Dorothy Parrott Memorial Scholarship

Lily Leavitt

Honors Diploma

Lily Leavitt

NU Band Boosters Scholarship

Lily Leavitt

Outstanding North Union-Tri-Rivers Career Center Student of the Year

Lily Leavitt

Richwood-North Union Alumni Scholarship

Lily Leavitt

University of Akron – Associate’s Degree

Lily Leavitt

Excellence in Performance Scholarship

Alexandra Lundy

Honors Diploma

Alexandra Lundy

Richwood – North Union Alumni “Techie” Scholarship

Alexandra Lundy

Ruth B Weller Memorial Scholarship

Alexandra Lundy

Honors Diploma

Kenadi McLeod

Memorial Hospital Medical Staff Scholarship

Kenadi McLeod

Arts Memorial Scholarship

Owen O’Reilly

Kevin Smith Scholarship

Riley Popovich

Kinney Scholarship

Riley Popovich

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Savannah Queen

Conner Miller Memorial Scholarship

Savannah Queen

Honors Diploma

Savannah Queen

Jaycob Fox Memorial Scholarship

Savannah Queen

McElheny Academic Award (Math)

Savannah Queen

Robert Fox Memorial Scholarship

Savannah Queen

Seiter Family Memorial Scholarship

Savannah Queen

Bob & Eula Jean Davis Memorial Scholarship

Eric Snider

Honors Diploma

Eric Snider

McElheny Academic Award (Science)

Eric Snider

Honors Diploma

Zane Temple

Outstanding North Union-Tri-Rivers Career Center Student of the Year

Zane Temple

University of Akron – Associate’s Degree

Zane Temple

University of Akron – Associate’s Degree

Cayla Veazey

Dan B, Kyle Memorial Scholarship

Zoe Wedding

Honors Diploma

Zoe Wedding

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Zoe Wedding

Patrick’s Liggacy Scholarship

Zoe Wedding

Richwood-North Union Alumni Scholarship

Zoe Wedding

Rita Rubeck Parker Scholarship

Zoe Wedding

Honors Diploma

Torsten Wigglesworth

Kevin Smith Scholarship

Torsten Wigglesworth

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Torsten Wigglesworth

Brittany Crabtree Memorial Scholarship

Lindsay Willis

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Lindsay Willis

Dr. Craig M. Cooley Memorial Scholarship

Lindsay Willis

Honors Diploma

Lindsay Willis

Lynne Whatley Memorial Scholarship (Union County Rotary)

Lindsay Willis

National Merit Commended Scholar

Lindsay Willis

Marysville Elks Leadership Award

Lindsay Willis

McElheny Academic Award (Spanish)

Lindsay Willis

The Major General and Mrs. Oscar C. Decker Jr. Community Service Scholarship

Lindsay Willis

Burnside/Imbody/Fish Scholarship

Layni Wills

Dan B, Kyle Memorial Scholarship

Layni Wills

Donald & Dorothy Parrott Memorial Scholarship

Layni Wills

Honors Diploma

Layni Wills

Richwood Area Business Association Scholarship

Layni Wills

VFW Post 870 Scholarship

Layni Wills

McElheny Academic College-Bound Book Award

Layni Wills

Honors Diploma

Abigail Zimmerman

Mabel Warner Reece Memorial Scholarship

Abigail Zimmerman

McElheny Academic Award (Math)

Abigail Zimmerman

Ruth B Weller Memorial Scholarship

Abigail Zimmerman

Franklin B Walter Scholastic Award

Madelyn Zimmerman

Honors Diploma – Academic

Madelyn Zimmerman

McElheny Academic Award (Social Studies)

Madelyn Zimmerman

NUHS Dependability Award

Madelyn Zimmerman

Zonta Club Outstanding Young Woman Award

Madelyn Zimmerman

Honors Diploma – Academic

Ethan Ziokowski

McElheny Academic Award (Science)

Ethan Ziokowski

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