January 19, 2024

In Retrospect


JANUARY 18, 1924

January 17: Probably few Richwood citizens remember the first daily paper printed in Richwood, or know that Richwood ever had a daily paper. During the week of the Richwood fair of September 12, 13, 14, 1893. Fred Summer and Charles Stults published a four page daily called the Richwood Enterprise. Copies of this interesting little paper was brought to this office recently by Bent Sinkey. The sheets contain rather complete accounts of the races and the various activates on the fair grounds in one issue there was a pen by the late Rev. J. W. James admonishing readers to beware of the gamblers and their games of chance. The columns are well filled with advertising. Only a few of the business men who patronized the paper are now engaged in business here.

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January 17: That time honored department of the Richwood fair known as the fine art department, has passed into oblivion. Its passing was decreed by the directors of the fair company at meeting. In its place will be a department devoted entirely to the public schools of the county. Premium lists for the school displays will be mailed to the heads of various schools just as soon as possible. The various department heads and committees were appointed Monday night. Benton Sinkey was elected delegate to the Ohio Fair Boys’ meeting. Car. Allgower was elected alternate. Mr. Allgower and MR. Sinkey also attended the meeting of the Ohio Independent Agricultural Association held Wednesday at the Deshler hotel, Columbus.


JANUARY 18, 1949

December 20: Mrs. Dora Wheaton entertained several guests last Saturday afternoon at her home, honoring her daughter, Annie, on her eleventh birthday anniversary . Games were enjoyed with prizes going to Dickie Sheets and Sue Dickason. Ice cream and cake were served with nut cups and balloons as favors. The following were present: Kay Brobeck, Sue Ellen Smith, Elizabeth Hobbs, Janet Houk, Sue Dickason, Linda Currey, Salley Allen, Jimmie Parrott, Dickie Sheets, Gail Perkins, David Rosette, Ronald Martin, Jimmie Kyle, Ronnie Ballard, Gene Paul Swartz, Johnny Moyer and Danny Wheaton. Guests were Marilyn Payne, Miss Lucille Smith and Mrs. Nora Herr. Mrs. Wheaton was assisted as hostess by Mrs. Alice Salyers.


JANUARY 18, 1974

January 17: Basking today in the sunny clime of his native El Salvador, is 15-year-old Carlos Grassel, exchange student who recently completed a 10-week visit in the Richwood area as guest of his host family, Mrs. Patricia Beckley and sons Kevin, 15, Chris, 13 and Curt, 10. Under the auspices of the Youth for Understanding Exchange Program, Carlos arrived in Richwood. He has attended Sophomore classes at North Union High School. Upon returning to his native country, he’ll arrive just in time for the beginning of his school year which takes place February through October, with daily class hours from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. daily. (photo accompanies)


JANUARY 18, 1999

January 20: Richwood Cardinal owner Jim Luscaleet confirmed that one of the winning tickets in the Ohio Lottery’s Monthly Million Dollar Giveaway was sold at his grocery store. Because most of Luscaleet’s lottery business is for local customers, there’s reason to believe that the $150,000 winner resided in this area.

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January 20: Despite having five tests to pass, including science, this year’s Ohio public school ninth graders established the highest overall pass rate to date, according to the Ohio Department of Education. North Union students fared well, showing percentage pass rates which surpassed counterparts in Union County.

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Local Sports
Above, North Union’s Jaystin Beeney gets his hand raised after winning a dual meet match at North Union High School earlier this season. (Gazette phot...
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Saint Patrick’s Day – Monday, March 17 Roasted pork loin and gravy Fried cabbage Mashed potatoes and gravy Irish flag themed fruit parfait Holiday cup...
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