Richwood Civic Center
235 Grove Street | Richwood, OH 43344
Susie Pfarr, Executive Director
Our Mystery trips that we take seem to be a big hit among everyone. Roxie does a great job putting these together. However, once again, this month’s Mystery trip filled up quickly and we do not have any more space. If, however, you would like to take a trip up to the Union County Fair for Senior Day on Wednesday, July 26, please call in and save your seat on the bus. UCATs will be picking us up here at the Civic Center at 10 a.m. on that day to take us to the fair and then we will return home by 2 p.m. The trip is free, and you will get a free lunch along with lots of entertainment and stuff to see. Just call Janet at the office to get your name on the list. Sinc…
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